Princess maker 5 pc iso
Princess maker 5 pc iso

princess maker 5 pc iso

November, drop the English class and go to gym class instead. 11/9 bcomes rebellious again and then her status keeps changing between these 2 XD Late September, starts to send her on Sunday adventures again and stopped working at Imakawa's but start casually attending English class. 21/8 After 2 months of rebelling, normal again. Lately her new best friend seems to be Emily. Junko's really having split personalities now. 26/6 She's finally normal now! Let's see if it'll last. LOL she's become Rebellious again before I even fixed her of her Darui status. June onwards, try setting her back on Healthy diet. Then it was Michiru's turn to get jealous about Emily.

princess maker 5 pc iso

Despite my efforts, Ken-bou is now abit jealous over Kuroda's budding friendship with Junko :( Oh yeah I remember Kuroda is fond of plump girls >_< Eep, after around 3 years of interest in fashion, she's lost interest in it (because she's now short, almost-fat and ugly :(?) and only liking politics and society topics at the moment. Around this time she also stops being overweight (for now) so put her back to work at Imakawa Fashion. Starting May she refuses to sleep together with daddy :( I miss being mommy. I realize it's hard to keep her slim partly because she's on the short side (150cm 14yr old? I'm not sure), so the ideal weight range is smaller (?). To top things off, Emily comes to celebrate being flat together again.

princess maker 5 pc iso

Put her in judo club and continue art class. Change from luxury diet to Diet diet for now and scold her gently weekly, and sleep together at night. Brought her to vacation and she finds it a bother and wants to stay home instead orz. Ehh? No Kyoko's already an actress :S And how would Junko even qualify at this rate. Teacher-parent session, teacher forecasts her to become an artiste. Ken-bou is an angel for remaining her best of friends. I just realized, she has low Charm, is terrible at studies, and a bit fat. She ranks lower than even Kuroda this time. I placate her but make her continue :P October, she becomes daru~i status and won't change out of her jersey =w= She also keeps buying bentou back despite me putting her on big diet. Grades plunged as expected xD Junko complains, for the 2nd time, that she wants to stop working at Imakawa Fashion. Bought her branded perfume in May since it was on sale at 3500 yen at the flea market. She chose to join gymnastics on her own and I chose art class for her. Stops adventuring (didn't manage to find fullcream milk :( ) and gym and sends her back to work at Imakawa Fashion. Just gave her a 9pm curfew, allowed her to study less, lets her go to bed alone (wihout harassing for bathing together :P) and other minor instructions. March onwards, she starts being difficult (puberty) and starts refusing to bathe with daddy. This year Valentine's she gives me choco! Daddy is so touched. Also starts to spend Sundays adventuring at Fairy Garden, although she's really no warrior and usually flees or sings to the enemies (sing till they faint, lol!), and often simply faints and Cube carries her home. February, takes a break fromo working at Imakawa Fashion and starts going to gym class. Grades gone up to rank 70 c: But Ken-bou didn't ask to spend xmas together this year. It was cute seeing Junko and Ken-bou being sad because no one visited the computer club's exhibit. July, her grades have improved to rank 97! Thanks to Ken-bou's influence and also my discipline :P She's become good friends with Hiroko on her own (always agreeing to accompany her to the toilet), and Hiroko's become jealous of Ken-bou.

Princess maker 5 pc iso